Main Foundations – Quito
Benalcazar, whose real name was Sebastian de Moyano, arrived in America in 1507. He joined Francisco Pizarro to conquer the Tahuantinsuyu.
He heard that Quito was a wealthy site and decided to conquer it. On the way to Quito he fought Rumiñahui, Atahualpa´s brother and general, and defeated him. There was a volcanic eruption and Rumiñahui thought gods were angry at him and fled to Quito. When Benalcazar arrived he could find only ashes, Rumiñahui had burned the city, killed the Sun Virgins, and taken the Incas´ treasure away.
Quito was founded in three occasions. The first time Benalcazar and Almagro founded Quito near Colta Lake on August 15, l534.
Diego de Almagro founded Quito for the second time with the name of “Santiago de Quito” on August 28, 1534. Finally on Sunday, December 6, 1534
Finally and for the third time, Benalcazar founded Quito with a population of 203 neighbors. It was named “very Noble and Loyal City of San Francisco de Quito”.
At present, Quito owns the best preserved historic center in Latin America. This is why UNESCO declared Quito as World Heritage in 1978.